Saturday, August 29, 2009

Stuff I Want to Learn (Part 3): Gocco Printing.

Hello my lovelies,

I apologize for my absence for the past few days. I wish I had some exciting story of adventures and travels, but in reality I just had a three day weekend that I spent with the hubby ('twas his birthday on Friday) enjoying the good weather, eating, catching up on Mad Men and attempting to get over a bad case of writer's block.

I've had the images for this post ready for quite some time and the words seemed to be as elusive to me as a gocco itself (unfortunately, they still kind of are). So, um, I want to buy a gocco, learn how to print gocco and make stuff as pretty as this. Inspiring, no?

(Click on the image below to go to my flickr favorites or scroll down to see some of my favorite favorites.)

from FUSShop.

from inkdesigner and 3P-3.

from inkdesigner.

from .bu and inkdesigner.

from imakethings.

If you didn't notice, I kind of really love all of inkdesigner's stuff. Be sure to check out inkdesigner's etsy shop.

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