Monday, August 3, 2009

One Man's Trash... (Antique Fair Part 2).

At the crack of dawn on Sunday, Emily and I ventured across the bridge and through a tunnel to the Alameda Point Antiques and Collectibles Faire. Besides our encounter with thousands of disturbing doll parts, I was able to take home fourteen items for under $20! The two foot tall yellow ampersand is most definitely my favorite. I'm trying to figure out where he (yes, we determined his gender) should live in my house. In the meantime, he's just chillin' out in a living room corner.

Giant ampersand (AKA "the priceless relic") - $12.

9 postcards for this project - $1.

Super cool old can of tempera paint - $2; vintage silk scarf - $1.

Wood type block ampersand (apparently they are rare) - $3.

Check back tomorrow for Part 3 to see all of the things I didn't take home. Unfortunately, there just wasn't room in the car for a boar's head, a basketball-sized plaster cherub head or an anthropomorphic paint brush (I'm also pretending I didn't see those extraordinarily politcially incorrect Aunt Jemima type salt and pepper shakers...egad).


  1. nice finds! i'm thinking that ampersand would be so cool for a wedding or anniversary (or just cute) know, girl&boy or boy&boy, lady&16 cats, etc. If you didn't live in earthquake land, I'd say over a bed would be lovely.

  2. I was leaning toward over the bed as well. It's actually pretty light so maybe I'll just risk it.

  3. I love that ampersand too! I love yellow at the moment. I also joined the postcard project (I found your blog through the facebook group). I hope that I receive one of your lovely postcards ;P

  4. That ampersand is AWESOME. I'm totally jealous! Enjoy. :)

  5. I love that ampersand! I'm a sucker for typography, too!


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