Monday, November 23, 2009

Freaking Obsessed.

Le Monde des Livres.

To say I have a preference for all things collage, retro-inspired and absurd with a bit of Dr. Strangelove and astrophysics thrown in (I stole that from Julien Pacaud) would be an understatement. I think infatuation is a much better word. So my design aesthetic is a little predictable if you've been around these parts once of twice, but can you blame me?

Case in point...French illustrator extraordinaire Julien Pacaud. Sorry Chad and Mark, but I just found a new obsession. Is genius too strong of a word? Damn these illustrators leaving me at a loss for words. Here's the first four I could come up with: I want it all.

Good Girl.

Memories of Tomorrow.


World Construction Kit.
All images from Julien Pacaud found via Design Crisis.


  1. The second and third ones make me want to lick the computer screen. Well... maybe that was a bit of an exaggeration. Or maybe not. :D

  2. Wow, thanks Jess! I really like the 66 Polaroids That Never Existed series! I always love feasting my eyes on completely original images that have never existed and probably wouldn't if it weren't for this person.


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