Monday, July 20, 2009

R is for Renegade.

I spent a delightful Saturday afternoon perusing the aisles of the Renegade Craft Fair with Emily B. of frenchie & flea. We tend to function the same way meaning we are both neurotic, anxious and easily get overwhelmed by too much stuff at one time. Luckily we made it to Renegade early so we were able to walk up and down the aisles to soak in everything. After a delicious lunch at Pacific Catch induced a food coma and inner calmness, we were able to go back for round 2...this time to spend money with the masses!

I had feared that my ego would get so crushed by all the creative genius in that building that I would want to go home, crawl up in a ball and vow to never make anything again. Instead, I came home wanting to sign up for every silk screening, letterpress and photography class I could find. Thanks for the inspiration Renegade!

Photos are from booths for: (2) I adorn U, (4) Sonnenzimmer Art & Print Studio, (5) Mateo Ilasco, (7), (8) Emily in disguise thanks to i made you a beard, (9) laurageorge, (10) InVita Paper Studio, (11) Sérigraphie Cinqunquatre.

There were two booths that were my hands down favorites. The screen printed posters at Sérigraphie Cinqunquatre were visually stunning. I could have waded through the piles of prints for hours and would've certainly dropped copious amounts of money. I couldn't decide which artist's prints I liked more...Alice Jarry or Jason Cantoro. Their use of layer, color and imagery left me speechless.

Emily and I also spent a good half an hour at the booth for laurageorge (aka Laura Berger). Her illustrations were full of whimsy and happiness. And it doesn't hurt that she was incredibly nice! She is from Chicago but is staying in town for an opening of her work this Thursday. Be sure to check it out. I'll be there.

     New Paintings by Laura Berger
     Candystore Collective
     3153 16th Street
     July 23rd at 6:30 pm

Here are a few other booths that I might have spent money at: Pie Bird Press, Mis Nopales Art, Sonnenzimmer and Seattle Show Posters (where I got the "I have always known it was you" print).

For more of my photographs from Renegade, check out my flickr page here. And if I have a photo of your booth and I didn't give you credit, drop me a note and I'll fix that ASAP.


  1. this is a way better post about our day than I could ever write.....LOVE your pics and had a blast with you on Saturday!

  2. i'm coming with you guys next year!

  3. Yay for the Sonnenzimmer shout out! We have a bunch of their stuff and they're super nice.

    Glad to hear you had such a great time. Now I'm getting all impatient for Chicago's renegade, which I think is all the way in September.

  4. How lovely is your blog...Renegade looks amazing...i adore all your images..just came from frenchie & glad i to read some of your past posts!!! Will be back!

  5. I was there on Sunday and LOVED it! Somehow I missed that Sérigraphie Cinqunquatre booth. Shame! Great photos!


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